Works-in-Progress: A Graduate Student Symposium Series
At this Works-in-Progress event, two graduate students will present work: Heidi Grek (German/Comparative Literature) and Jue Lu (Chinese/Comparative Literature).
Heidi will present a paper entitled, "Epic Discussion in 18th Century Germany," and Jue will present a paper entitled, "Writing on Photographic Self-Portraits for a 1915 Chinese Women's Journal."
Professor Robert Henke will facilitate the presentations and a Q&A.
Light refreshments will be served; everyone is welcome!
About the series: “Works-in-Progress” is a series of events for graduate students in Comparative Literature to share their work. Each event will consist of two graduate students who will each present a paper and then allow for time for questions. If you have a paper you’d like to present at a future “Works-in-Progress” event, please let Rebecca O'Laughlin know. Students who are presenting at a conference (or who are considering submitting a paper for consideration at a conference) are especially encouraged to use this forum to practice and get feedback, but everyone is welcome to share your work.