Bear Beginnings Open House 2023
Get your academic BEAR-ings by attending the WashU Comparative Literature's Bear Beginnings Open House!
The WashU Departments of Comparative Literature, IPH, and German welcomes all incoming students (first-years and transfers) to participate in its annual Bear Beginnings Open House on Tuesday, August 22, 2023.
Held from 11:15am-12:00pm in the Ridgley Hall German Lounge (#319), this event will be an opportunity for incoming students to meet and connect with Comparative Literature, German, and IPH faculty, staff, and students who are currently in the program.
Learn about what it takes to earn a major or minor in Comparative Literature, and discover the countless opportunities that a degree in Comparative Literature, German, or IPH may have for you!
Light refreshments will be served in this informal meet-and-greet setting.