Comparative Literature & Thought Major/Minor Info Session
Interested in majoring or minoring in Comparative Literature & Thought? Attend this info session to find out more about our undergraduate programs!
This info session will offer students a deeper understanding of the various major and minor programs within the Department of Comparative Literature & Thought:
- Major in Comparative Literature & Thought
- Major in Comparative Literature and Thought, Comparative Arts Specialization
- Major in Germanic Languages & Literatures
- Minor in Comparative Literature & Thought
- Minor in Germanic Languages & Literatures
- Minor in Legal Studies
- Minor in Data Science in the Humanities (DASH)
If any of these programs interest you, we strongly encourage you to attend!
The info session will take place on Friday, September 6th, 11:00am to 12:30pm in the Umrath "Bridge" Conference Room (Umrath 224)—snacks and drinks will be provided!
Click the RSVP button below to let us know ahead of time if you will attend (or if you are unable to attend but want to receive information via email)!