Joint PhD and Comparative Literature Programs

Joint PhD Program Options

WashU offers joint doctoral programs with EnglishFrenchGerman, East Asian Languages and Cultures in Japanese and Chinese, and Hispanic Studies. Completing a doctorate in a joint program with Comparative Literature means gaining the expertise to think about literature across languages and cultures, geography, historical periods, and means of production and transmission.

The joint programs require a focus on a "home" literature, in which the student normally duplicates the courses and other preparations expected of a doctoral candidate in that literature or program. This focus is combined with training in approaches, methods, and theories offered by the program in Comparative Literature and articulated by its core requirements. It is expected that students in the joint programs include one or more comparatist elements in their comprehensive examinations and dissertation. Requirements in the home departments vary.

The joint degree student must in any case complete a minimum of 12 units of coursework in Comparative Literature - the 12-unit core requirements for the comparative literature program. These core requirements include Comp Lit 502: Introduction to Comparative Literature and three additional (3 units each) Comparative Literature courses distributed among 3 of 4 designated categories

Upon joining the joint degree program, students must be competent in a minimum of two languages pertinent to their work and their objectives.  They must also meet the language requirements of the department in which the primary literature program is located.  After joining the program, students have the possibility of acquiring reading knowledge of an additional language pertinent to their dissertation work.

Prospective students interested in pursuing a joint program with Comparative Literature should apply through the pertinent home department.