Overview (M.A.)
The M.A. in Comparative Literature requires 36 unit hours of coursework, language requirement, portfolio, and ITG.
The Student is responsible for punctually completing and providing all of the necessary materials(^) for submission to the OGS, and for formatting the dissertation in accordance with its guidelines.
The Advisor is responsible for assisting The Student in assembling the three member Portfolio Committee, for assisting in arranging a portfolio defense date and location, as well as communitcating M.A. Student progress to the The Coordinator for submission to the OGS via Portal(*).
The M.A. in Comparative Literature requires 36 unit hours of coursework, including L16 Comp Lit 502: Introduction to Comparative Literature (3 unit hours) and three additional courses in Comparative Literature on the 400 or 500 level (9 unit hours). The remaining 24 hours of course work on the 400 and 500 level are pursued in Comparative Literature or in affiliated departments or programs. These 36 unit hours count toward the Ph.D. requirement.
Portfolio and Defense
Students present a portfolio of their work in second year and participate in an oral defense.
Portfolio Defense
The submission of the portfolio in full will be followed by a one-hour conversation with the committee, at which time the student will receive feedback on the portfolio and advice about future steps. Once this defense and portfolio are approved by the Portfolio Committee, the Portfolio Advisor will email the DGS and The Coordinator for submission to the OGS.
Apply to Graduate
Completed by The Student
The Student must file an Apply to Graduate form for the semester in which they intend to graduate. Deadlines for filing the Apply to Graduate form for each semester are listed on the Graduate School’s online calendar. The Student can access this form by logging onto WebSTAC and clicking on “Apply to Graduate” from the menu. When completing the form, take note of the diploma pick-up and mailing dates that are included in the form as the diploma will be mailed to the address entered.
If the graduation semester changes, a new form must be filed and the Coordinator notified by the Student.
Commencement and Robing Ceremony
Completed by The Student
Once the portfolio and defense has been approved, The Student should contact The Portfolio Advisor for confirmation of the Robing Ceremony for Commencement. Traditionally, The Portfolio Advisor will be present to present The Student with the M.A. robe during the Commencement ceremony.
Reservation to Ceremony
Registration for the Commencement ceremony is required and is separate from the ITG and ordering of regalia. Please register by the deadline online via the Wash U Commencement site.
Reserve Regalia
Please note that the deadline and process for ordering regalia will be announced on the Wash U Commencement regalia site and is taken care of by the Wash U Bookstore and NOT the Comparative Literature program.