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Amy Gais, Essay on Ida B. Wells published in Time Magazine

Amy Gais, Essay on Ida B. Wells published in Time Magazine

Accelerator Award Recipients

Accelerator Award Recipients

Why Treblinka Remains Unknown to Americans

Why Treblinka Remains Unknown to Americans

Lynne Tatlock to receive 2024 Outstanding Faculty Award

Lynne Tatlock to receive 2024 Outstanding Faculty Award

Matthias Goeritz Featured in Versopolis: "Lecture on Poetry Translation and Being Translated"

Matthias Goeritz Featured in Versopolis: "Lecture on Poetry Translation and Being Translated"

Students in this course learn the art of the apology

Students in this course learn the art of the apology

CLA Co-Directors Danielle Dutton and Ignacio Infante featured on The American Vandal podcast

CLA Co-Directors Danielle Dutton and Ignacio Infante featured on The American Vandal podcast

 Rebecca Copeland receives Jackson and Caroline Bailey Public Service Award

Rebecca Copeland receives Jackson and Caroline Bailey Public Service Award

Matthias Göritz Is Published as Author of the Week on Versopolis

Matthias Göritz Is Published as Author of the Week on Versopolis

Parvulescu wins Barrington Moore Book Award

Parvulescu wins Barrington Moore Book Award

Comparative literature and Istanbul Anca Parvulescu

Comparative literature and Istanbul Anca Parvulescu

Release of Jane Eyre in German Lands

Release of Jane Eyre in German Lands

Kita, Shearer win NEH fellowships

Kita, Shearer win NEH fellowships

Transnational literature in the age of nationalism

Transnational literature in the age of nationalism

A Room of Our Own: A Virtual Shared Exhibit

A Room of Our Own: A Virtual Shared Exhibit

Anca Parvulescu publishes

Anca Parvulescu publishes "The World of World Literature and World-Systems Analysis" in symploke

Professor Beals wins Max Kade Prize for Best Article

Professor Beals wins Max Kade Prize for Best Article

Prof. Ignacio Infante Receives Emerson's 2020 Excellence in Teaching Award

Prof. Ignacio Infante Receives Emerson's 2020 Excellence in Teaching Award

A Statement on the Role of Humanities Research and Education in Times of Crisis

A Statement on the Role of Humanities Research and Education in Times of Crisis

Professor Kita and Professor Beals featured in Perspectives

Professor Kita and Professor Beals featured in Perspectives

In Memory of Emma Kafalenos

In Memory of Emma Kafalenos

Professor Williams honored at Sixteenth Century Society & Conference

Professor Williams honored at Sixteenth Century Society & Conference

Anca Parvulescu Publishes Article in Journal of World Literature

Anca Parvulescu Publishes Article in Journal of World Literature

Paul Michael Lützeler awarded Friedrich-Gundolf-Prize for 2019

Paul Michael Lützeler awarded Friedrich-Gundolf-Prize for 2019

Ignacio Infante and Annelise Finegan Wasmoen Co-Author Chapter on Transnational Poetics

Ignacio Infante and Annelise Finegan Wasmoen Co-Author Chapter on Transnational Poetics

Recognizing excellence in teaching and service

Recognizing excellence in teaching and service

Elegy/Elegie: Gedichte Poems by Mary Jo Bang Translated by Matthias Goeritz

Elegy/Elegie: Gedichte Poems by Mary Jo Bang Translated by Matthias Goeritz

Never Done Learning: Robert Hegel on a career in Chinese literature

Never Done Learning: Robert Hegel on a career in Chinese literature

Professor Robert Henke Edits Volume of Early Modern Theater and Culture

Professor Robert Henke Edits Volume of Early Modern Theater and Culture

Matthias Goeritz published article on John Ashbery

Matthias Goeritz published article on John Ashbery

Professor Bob Hegel Publishes Book of 17th-Century Chinese texts

Professor Bob Hegel Publishes Book of 17th-Century Chinese texts