‘Gbenga Adeoba studies the literatures and cultures of Africa and the African diaspora, with special interests in poetry and visual cultures. His other research and teaching interests include comparative media studies, migration, and creative writing. His doctoral research examines the media ecologies and social lives of African poetry. Other work on world literature, postcolonial expulsions and displacement, and multilingual popular culture forms on digital platforms appears in African Studies Review, Comparative Literature Studies, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Yoruba Studies Review, and Literature, Critique, and Empire Today. He maintains a creative practice and has published a poetry collection, Exodus (University of Nebraska Press, 2020), and a chapbook, Here is Water (APBF/Akashic Books, 2019).

'Gbenga Adeoba
PhD student in Comparative Literature
BA, University of Ibadan
MFA, Iowa Writers’ Workshop
MS, University of Oxford
MFA, Iowa Writers’ Workshop
MS, University of Oxford
contact info:
- Email: adeoba@wustl.edu
mailing address:
- MSC 1107-146-100
- Washington University
- One Brookings Drive
- St. Louis, MO 63130-4899