How are characters and their stories-often non-human or im-material-embodied, envoiced, and conveyed in sung or musical theatre? How are they transformed and reinterpreted across different genres, traditions, art forms, and productions? We will explore these questions by examining influential live multi-media experiences, from opera to Broadway, that inspired controversy, required technological innovation, and featured unparalleled feats of vocal virtuosity. Students interested in music, literature, the arts, history, anthropology, medicine, philosophy, politics, and film will discover that these disciplines converge in the field of opera studies. We will discuss how these collaborative works were authored, composed, censored, cast, and staged, considering performance and reception history alongside theory and criticism. You are invited to respond to works from Mozart to Sondheim as readers, listeners, spectators, consumers, and critics. Co-taught by professors in literature and musicology. Ability to read music not necessary.
Course Attributes: EN H; AS HUM; FA HUM; AR HUM